Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's so White Outside!

For any parent, seeing your child's eyes light up at the first actual snowfall is something that gets burned into your memory and will be one that you carry with you for a lifetime. We've made it to the weekend, amazingly enough, this has been one of the most normal weeks we've had in a long long time. After the issues on Monday with Aidan not even stepping foot into the classroom, he ended his weekly report on a high note so that makes me happy. This weekend is his time with his biological father Nick. Sadly, we lost Nick's mom, Bobbie, earlier this year. Her and Aidan were close. Especially since Nick is their only child, this was the first grandson they knew. I've noticed that over the year, Aidan refers to her death alot. It's almost like it's still fresh in his memory. He was very inquizitive when she passed, as any child dealing with their first death usally is. But he cried and morned like I did, and I'm twenty-five. At the time, Aidan was only five. It amazes me how big a heart can be inside something so little. He loves going to "Papa's" house, and since it's the only Grandpa he knows, it warms my heart knowing he's lucky to still have that bond. Aidan called me this evening to inform me that it had snowed there too! Granted, it's only about 15 minutes from here, but still.. he was so amazed by that. Papa caved and let him open an early Christmas present, a remote control car and they were terrorizing the basement with homemade ramps and race courses. They also found an old set of Bobbie's for making Christmas Candles. He seems to be really enjoying himself. The true test wont come until next week when he has to go back to school after his weekend is over. He's becoming more and more tired, and finding him going to bed around 7:30 or so. The doctors told us his medication will cause him some mild drowsiness, and since this was the first full week of those medications, hopefully he'll come thru this and get used to the side effects. My biggest fear is that we'll lose some of that uniqueness in the process. Once the hazzyness clears, and the medication has settled in his system, will snow still seem exciting?

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