Friday, December 18, 2009

When Can I be Santa?

Every single day Aidan says things that still amaze me. Wether or not it's his Aspie's... he can warm up my heart with just the little things. Tonight was no exception. We're having a quiet evening at home, nothing special. Just watching a Christmas movie on abcfam, when Aidan so sweetly looks up at me and asks, "Mom, when can I be Santa?" As if this was a career oppurtunity that he would learn about later in life. Like a child telling you, "I want to be an astronaut," or "I want to be a firefighter." No. My son's aspperation is to become Santa Clause. I'm actually thankful he still believes because with everything else going on, it makes me happy knowing that he still has that youthful innocence about him and that even tho he's dealing with Aspie's, he's still able to be a kid. I then asked him why he wanted to be Santa, and he thought about that for a moment. And I could see those gears turning in his eyes and I knew whatever answer he gave, it was going to be a great one. He simply said, "Well... I want to be able to give presents to my friends like Abbi and Blake." Those are his cousins. Such a selfless answer, not, "I want to be able to give myself every toy I've ever wanted." And that's what I've always loved about him. He has always been unique, but at times, he can be the must big hearted caring child I've ever seen. Even his list this year for Santa, it wasn't anything extravigant, he didn't ask for very expensive things, in fact.. I was surprised at it's modistey. He even asked for a Teddy Bear. That list touched my heart. I'm looking forward to Christmas this year with him, as I always have in the past. But I feel that this year I'll cherish it more than anything.

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